Sunday, July 26, 2009

Rant #1: "Bitchy little girls"

Ah, yes, ranting! I do believe that this is the very reason why I decided to start a blog (besides being creative and making people laugh, that is).

So what sparks today's rant, you say? Well, let me tell you! There are few things and/or people that I dislike to a rather high degree. One of those types of people are whiners! Yes, whiners; like "do you want cheese with that whine?" or "whoawhoawhoa, waitaminute, let me get out my tinny fiddle!" It seems that wherever I go, whiners abound. I go overseas: whiners. I go to Maine: whiners. I go to school: whiners. Seriously though, I think the only place I am truly safe is when I sleep, because my dreams do NOT contain whiners! So here's the story:

Once upon a time there was a pre-med student named Gigantor! While you may already have some pre-conceived notions about a pre-med student, I will tell you right now that you are incorrect; Gigantor is not like other pre-med students--I will just leave it at that. Well, Gigantor happens to have a stoplight party on Saturday. On Friday, he discovers that he has rounds on Sunday at 7am! STOP THE WORLD!!! Gigantor moans thus as to compare him to Linton Earnshaw from Wuthering Heights when he's sickly and on the verge of death for several months. At this point, I gaze out the window, wishing for the Rapture to happen at that moment so I would be spared...spared being Catherine Linton and having to listen to the moans. Were I to have said something, it would have sounded like this:

Dear Gigantor,

Suck it up (or grow a pair, whichever seemed befitting the moment)! You signed up to be a doctor! The hospital/God/and dead/dying/injured/suffering people do not care that you are having a stoplight party! Get over yourself. Doctors need to be selfless not selfish! I, myself, went to the midnight premiere of Twilight and had to go to work the following morning at around 6am or 7am. I did not complain as you are now. Please, cause me to suffer no more! Pray do!


Harsh? Well, I'm sure it is. But, I have been putting up with whiny people for far too long! Do they not realize that there are people suffering more than they? People who, indeed, do NOT whine? For example, on several occasions in a foreign country, people would complain about their feet hurting. Why yes, we had been walking for a long time, but I was not complaining, and the bones of my large toes are crooked, causing immense pain after walking great distances. I dare say people would complain if they had everything they could ever want. How sad!

Greatly distressed,