Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Rant #2

It is actually really quite sad that in today's society certain words have been twisted to mean something completely different than its original definition (take a look back at "Ode to a Douche" for one such example). Some words have obtained such a bad connotation that one cannot even dare using it without a fear of reprimand. One such word is "queer."

Queer - adj. meaning strange or odd

I have been reading a few classical novels and the word "queer" sometimes appears. Of course this means "strange" not "playing for the home team," but still, sometimes I have to do a quick ponder and realize that yes, they do mean "strange." I have often wanted to use the word "queer" but fear that I cannot because people either laugh thinking you mean the other thing, or they stare at you like you're being insulting.

Ex. I happen to be in the office with Blanche and Barney. I am told that the copier can handle card stock sheets only one at a time. As I thought this was going to eat up a lot of my time and happened to be an odd fact about the copier, I replied, "How queer!" Blanche began laughing and looked back at me. She quickly turned around once she realized that I wasn't joking.

It seems the only person I can use "queer" around is my mother, as she would not jump to conclusions and think I was talking about a particular species of humans. Why, even on campus there happens to be a club for "Queers and Lesbians." *sigh* I guess I'll just have to keep using "odd" as a replacement. Please don't take that away from me!

Sign my petition to save the word "queer,"