Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Day 18: "Has boobs, reads comics"

Since I recently became a "follower" of the aptly named blog "Has boobs, reads comics," I would just like to give major props to the Nerdy Bird. FINALLY we have a girl breaking the mold of what comic nerds are (ie. boys). What's more? She actually has a wide circle of fans and followers. Perhaps now we XX chromosome-carrying people will not be summarily dismissed as having zero knowledge on a comic-subject.

It's not a secret to many of my friends that I am on a Spider-man podcast. The token girl, as it were. Of the six people on the show, I alone am the only girl. Sadly, this ratio does not even hold up once you leave the podcast and travel to the message board. I could most likely count the number of girls on the site on both of my hands...actually, maybe all I need is one hand with six fingers...

But why are there not more girls in the comic world? Is it the art form itself? Please, we all grew up with picture books! Ok then, is it the subject matter? Mmm, possibly, but there are some great comics out there like Spider-man Loves Mary Jane that does not involve out and out fighting, but is more centralized around a female character and her trials. What's wrong with that? Could it be, then, the fact that the majority of comic writers are male and do not know how to write a female character? Well, frankly, this is quite true. However, there are a few exceptions, notably Ed Brubaker's Sharon Carter and Chuck Dixon's Birds of Prey, plus a handful of others.

Actually, I think it comes down to one thing: girl's (to guys) are just not comic book readers. They will just never fit the stereotype of a his mother's basement..."whacking-off" to Elektra. Hmmm, yea, actually, I'm pretty sure neither I, nor the Nerdy Bird can fit that stereotype. In fact, there are three categories in which female comic readers fall (all of which I have been involved in).

1. Eyecandy: That's right! How exciting is it to go to a comic convention and be gawked at? I certainly enjoy it! It's actually rather unnerving to be looking for comics and feeling guys undress you with their eyes...*shiver*

2. Only reads girl comics:
Comic seller: I bet your favorite character is Wonder Woman!
Me: No, actually, it's Spider-man!

Really though? Girls do not only read Wonder Woman! In fact, I haven't touched Wonder Woman since that terrible Jodi Piccoult arc! *sigh* Oh, Jodi Piccoult...I had such faith in you and all you gave me was a bad taste in my mouth!

3. Girl's don't know their way around comic shops: I actually need a GPS in a comic shop...SERIOUSLY? I go to my hometown LCS (local comic shop) and the female (I know, right?) proprietor who knows me is not there, leaving me with a guy I've never seen before. I walk directly to the new comic wall and 15 seconds later the guy comes up to me and asks, "Do you need help finding something." At the very moment I had in my hands a copy of Captain America: Reborn #1. I could tell that he thought I was like a priest at a strip club, but I feel like when you have a copy of a mini-series (not a continuing, well-known series like Amazing Spider-man) that one can tell you know what you're doing. He must not have thought so!

I think Gwen Stafani had it right when she sang "I'm just a girl...that's all that you'll let me be."

If you rip my comic, will I not cry and Hulk-out and kick you in the tic-tacs/who-ha?
If you say Barbara Gordon is only good in a wheel-chair and not as Batgirl, will I not debate you?
If you try to throw me off by saying the Flash is Marvel (which someone did to me, true story), will I not correct and stun you that Flash is DC?

Thank-you Nerdy Bird! You make me feel, not quite alone!

I too have boobs and read comics,