Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 23: "I'm *insert romantic sentiment here* for you."

So here I am, minding my own business, and a guy tells me he's "falling for me." Ok, so maybe it was not so out of nowhere, but honestly, it was unnecessary. Let me break it down for you:

1. I met him in January
2. I told him I was not looking for a relationship.
3. I'm pretty stand-offish to begin with, so I was not leading him on.

"What do you think?" he asks me.
"Well, my feelings for you fluctuate."
"Can you give me an example?"
"mmm, how blunt do you need me to be?"
"Very blunt!"
"Ok," I began, "sometimes you're the sweetest person in the world and other times you annoy the heck out of me."

Some people may call me picky, but to be honest, is it pickyness or am I preventing someone from being murdered? I will not date someone who is immature. I cannot handle it, I'm sorry. If I wanted to be someone's mother I would have a child. Which reminds me: Guys? Yea, um, don't ask a girl "Do you want to have kids?" when you've only known her for three months. My womb is not a topic of conversation and what you're really asking is, "Would you consider having kids with me?"

I'm sort of disgusted that the world we live in has subliminally made women date with the thought of marrying. I feel like I cannot even hang out with a guy without thinking, "Huh, could I marry this guy?" Well, I guess this thinking may have saved me in this situation.

As I close, I will leave you with this irony: Any guy that I would like to have feelings for me never does. Any guy I am completely fine with on a platonic level has to make some life-altering confession to me which changes everything. "I hope this won't change things." Um, yea, you just basically told me that you like me quite a bit and I told you I don't what world will that not change things?!


P.S. Pink elephant...must you be so close to me?